The Knee Protectors by Red Dragon are designed for HEMA. They feature a hard plastic outer shell and..
ed Dragon HEMA Light Sparring Hoodie The stylish Red Dragon Light Sparring Hoodie feature integra..
The Red Dragon Knee Guards offer great protection from knee strikes. The knee is protected by a rigi..
The Red Dragon Shin Guards offer great protection from strikes below the knee. The shin is protected..
Red Dragon weapon Sparring Gloves are at the forefront of affordable hand protection for weapon..
The HEMA Sparring Jacket by Red Dragon is designed for HEMA and is constructed from a 350N rated hea..
The HEMA Sparring Pants by Red Dragon are designed for HEMA and are constructed from a 350N rated he..
Red Dragon Light HEMA Sparring Jacket The HEMA Light Sparring Jacket by Red Dragon is designed fo..
The Red Dragon Rapier Gloves are designed to protect against the blisters, scrapes and abrasions tha..
The Red Dragon Swordsman’s Gloves are designed to protect against the blisters, scrapes and abrasion..
Please note: We do not sell this product to customers under the age of 18. Please provide your birt..
Republican Scutum - Roman Shield This authentic Republican Scutum is shipped in two parts. The bo..
Ribchester Cavalry Sports, brass and steel This replica is based on the cavalry helmet found near..
Roman Archer's Helmet Many ancient tombs and reliefs show Roman army archers (mainly recruited in..
Roman Centurion helmet with plume Reconstruction in the style of a Roman centurion helmet. Ideal ..
Centurion Scutum - Roman Shield Roman shield with painted linen cover. The handle is located insi..
Dura-Europos (also Doura-Europos or Dura-Europus) was a fortress city originally founded in 303 BC o..
Roman face mask, tinned brass Very fine replica of a roman face mask. The master has been found t..
Brass Roman Coolus 'E' helmet A very authentic replica of an archaeological find made in Walbrook..
Roman Helmet Imperial Gallic -G- Weisenau, Steel, with Crest This Roman helmet (also called ..