Shooting Range

Archery Center

Archery center of Strele club locates in Vilnius at 3 Liepsnos street, it has the hall with 20 yds. archery range. Additional mobile target allows safe shooting both from maximum distance and shorter ones at the same time. Club indoor archery tournaments being arranged in winter time here as well. All spare time the hall is being used for practicing both for advanced and beginner archers and members of the club.

Recreational archery for gift coupon owners for one time shooting without monthly ticket:
Since October 1 till May 1:

Tuesday  19:30 – 21:00
Thursday 19:30 – 21:00
Saturday 12:30 – 14:00

In other time – shootings for groups only

Price for 1 person – €20,00  per 1.5 hour,  or for €250.00 – number of persons without limitations, while no more than 10 persons can entertain at one time (including the rent of equipment, instructions and supervision during shooting session).

For those willing to shoot with own equipment and without supervision –  €15.00 for a person.

Shooting in other time 250.00   per hour regardless the amount of shooters. The following hours 100.


Beforehand registration by phone is mandatory