For additional price we can cut arrows to lenghth according to your needs (you must specify this in ..
Skylon ID 3.2 Pin insert ..
Skylon ID 4.2 Innerfit Nock..
Skylon ID 4.2 Innerfit Nock Fluor..
Skylon ID 4.2 Pin insert..
Skylon ID 5.2 Innerfit Nock Fluor..
Skylon ID 5.2 Innerfit Nock..
Skylon ID 6.2 Innerfit Nock..
Skylon ID 6.2 Innerfit Nock Fluor..
Skylon insert T-7075 Alu. 5.2 mm...
Insert is made of precision alloy and is lightweight and accurate. Skylon Inserts DLX 6.2 mm. ..
Material: 24-TON Carbon Inner Diameter: 5.2mm / .204" Straightness Tolerance: ±.006" ..
A robust and inexpensive carbon arrow for everyday use in training and competition. Material: Carbon..
Skylon Points Brixxon/Radius..
GLUE-IN POINTS ID8.0EMPROS/BRUXX size 300-500 weight 100-110-120gr ..
Skylon Points Parallel ID3.2- Paragon, Performa, Precium, Preminens. 350 - 100-120 gr. 400-450 -100-..
Skylon Points Parallel ID4.2- Skylon Brixxon ir Radius strėlėms. 400-450 - 80-100 gr. arba 100-120 g..
Skylon Points Spektra ID3.2- Skylon Paragon, Performa, Precium, Preminens. 350 -100-120 gr. 400-450 ..