Arrow head TH Middleage
- 1.60€
Middleage point A burnished steel arrowhead in the guise of the Middle Ages, with the proven and patented parallel screw. The arrow head is extremely durable and absorbes an enormous amount of energy on impact. The first misses in our tests showed a very high durability of the wooden shafts. Weight and Shapes Available in 11/32 with 125 and 145 grs. and in 5/16 with 85 and 100 grs. Fixation of the medieval arrow point The TH assembly tool provides the safest way.Arrow heads with threaded cylindrical receptacle No more shaft sharpening The blunt untapered shaft is turned onto the head using a pair of pliers (self tapping thread). An extra tapering tool is not required! No more gluing AArrow head can be screwed onto the blunt shaft without the need for adhesive. The self tapping thread prevents the head from detaching itself! Auto-centring head Arrow head centres itself as the shaft end is screwed into the conical area at the front section of the head which leads to improved ballistic properties and higher accuracy. Longer shaft life The wooden shaft is protected by cylindrical casing directly at the point where the most violent impact and splinter forces occur. Easy removal from the target The diameter of the head is somewhat larger than that of the shaft which widens the point of entry and noticeably improves arrow removal from the target. In order to provide a smooth transition from the head to the shaft, the head casing has a slightly chamfered edge at the bottom.